Collection of personal information
For various consultations regarding products and services provided by our company, Aichi Techno Metal Fukaumi Company may collect, on our website, information that may be used to identify specific individuals. The personal information that is collected will be handled appropriately within the scope of the usage objectives below.
- To respond to various queries
Scope of use of personal information
Personal information submitted by users of this website will be only be used within the scope of the usage objectives. Information will not be provided by Aichi Techno Metal Company to third parties except in the following cases.
- When requests are made based on laws and regulations
- Upon obtaining permission to disclose information from the owner of the information
- When personal information is provided within the scope of the usage objective to a subcontractor with which a non-disclosure agreement has been concluded
Access logs
Although Aichi Techno Metal Corporation keeps access logs that include the IP address of users of this website (individuals cannot be identified using an IP address), this information will only be used to view the number of people accessing the site and for statistical analysis. The results of the statistical analysis will be used to understand user access trends and will be used as reference for future website operations.
Management of personal information
Personal information collected on this website will be strictly managed by Aichi Techno Metal Company. All necessary precautions and measures will be taken to prevent loss, leaks, unauthorized use, alteration and unauthorized access.
Changes to the privacy policy
This privacy policy is subject to change without notice. There will be a notice on this website should there be changes to the privacy policy.
*Please direct inquires regarding the handling of personal information by our company to the address below.
Contact Information (About privacy policy)
1483 Yoshidashimonakano, Tsubame City, Niigata Pref, 959-0215, Japan
TEL :+81-256-92-3171
FAX : +81-256-92-3170
E-mail :